On the Road

On the Road
All of us are called to life-long faith formation. Hopefully, throughout this year, you have cooperated with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Hopefully, you have cultivated two important fruits in your life: charity and joy.

On the Road

On the Road
Evaluation is an on-going process for assessing what we do. For many of us, evaluations are especially important in communicating what we have done well and how we can improve or contribute further.

On the Road
Compromise, arbitration, and negotiation are skills successful leaders need to draw on frequently. Disputes and “turf” issues often surface between various individuals and groups; tempers sometimes flare during meetings; and individuals with hidden agendas try to sabotage our efforts.

On the Road
This is an especially challenging time of the year for educators, students, and parents. Although most formal classes have ended, many summer activities are just beginning. Keeping an orderly routine will be a challenge.

On the Road

On the Road
As you plan for next catechetical-school year, remember that Spring brings scheduling conflicts for many families. Sports programs are in full swing, practice time increases for end-of-the year music or dance recitals, and other seasonal activities often coincide with religious education classes.