Enjoying the Moments
On the Road
This is an especially challenging time of the year for educators, students, and parents. Although most formal classes have ended, many summer activities are just beginning. Keeping an orderly routine will be a challenge.
Educators are often getting organized for the beginning of the new catechetical-school year in the approaching Fall. Students are storing away their school supplies and replacing their school uniforms with summer attire. And parents are trying to balance normal family routines with summer time off.
Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by your organizing the chaos that is typical of summertime. This could be a moment for you to slow down and “retreat” with this time off. Spend time with God in quiet prayer. Spend time just being with family and friends. Enjoy these moments.
“Whatever good work you undertake, pray earnestly to God that he will enable you to bring it to a successful conclusion.”
Saint Benedict
“So teach us to count our days / that we may gain a wise heart.”
Psalm 90:12
Go Forth
What can you spend time enjoy doing for your relationship with God and for loved ones?
What does it mean to be “fully present” with God, with family and friends?