Cultivating Fruits
On the Road
All of us are called to life-long faith formation. Hopefully, throughout this year, you have cooperated with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Hopefully, you have cultivated two important fruits in your life: charity and joy.
Your love of God and neighbor is reflected in the good works God has accomplished though you. Your joy springs from the confident knowledge that God is present in your life and in the life of the Church. Your charity, your joy is only possible because the Holy Spirit give you the freedom to love, the freedom to accept joy.
As you rest and rejuvenate during these summer days, celebrate the many fruits that God has blessed all of us. Let the radiance of God’s love pierce through all darkness and allow the warmth of God’s joy to keep you walking the Way of Christ.
“Today, the Lord calls us to build our Christian life on Him, the rock, the One who gives us freedom, the One who sends us the Spirit, that keeps us going with joy…”
Pope Francis
“Joy is the echo of God’s life in us.”
Blessed Columba Marmion
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.”
Philippians 4:4
Go Forth
Make a list of five things that give you joy.
What special plans have you made to “rejuvenate” this summer?