A Community for Catechesis (Week of September 8)
On the Road
Catechesis is only possible within a community. This community may be a family, a school, or a parish (see __General Directory for Catechesis__ 220-221, 255-262). A community gathered for catechesis is dedicated to sharing the Catholic faith with others. With Jesus as our model, we are called to assist all those involved in this catechetical ministry. That is, each of us is to encourage every person within the community to get to know one another, learn from one another, and grow in faith together. Check out the General Directory for Catechesis on the Vatican's Web site by clicking "here.":http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cclergy/documents/rc_con_ccatheduc_doc_17041998_directory-for-catechesis_en.html. h3. Encounter "All who believed were together and had all things in common" (Acts 2:44). "The Christian community is the origin, locus and goal of catechesis. Proclamation of the Gospel always begins with the Christian community and invites [us] to conversion and the following of Christ" (GDC 254). h3. Go Forth What are your plans for supporting those who teach the faith, especially the catechists in your parish? Identify two ways in which you can help your community become a stronger family of faith.