Catechists Wanted
On the Road
A major worry for many parishes at this time of the year is having enough catechists for all the classes. Not just any warm body will do. Catechists who are eager to genuinely share the Catholic faith with children are wanted—and needed. But time is becoming short; the first class is just around the corner!
If you are a veteran catechist, you can help recruit and encourage others to accept the call to this vital ministry. If you are still discerning the call to serve as a catechist, seek out a veteran catechist, or talk with the catechetical leader of your parish. And if you are a catechetical leader, trust that the Lord will provide for the needs of the parish through the combined efforts of many in your parish. Remember that wherever two or more are gathered in his name, Jesus is present (see Matthew 18:20).
“And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.’ Immediately they left their nets and followed him” (Matthew 4:19-20).
“[S]ome lay people feel called interiorly by God to assume the service of catechist. The Church awakens and discerns this divine vocation and confers the mission to catechize. The Lord Jesus invites men and women, in a special way, to follow him, teacher and formator of disciples” (General Directory for Catechesis, 231; cf. NDC 54.B.8).
Go Forth
What new ways can you use to encourage others to be catechists?
How can you put your trust in the Lord regarding your discernment towards the ministry of catechesis?