Reading these articles from experts in the field will help you learn more about themes from the National Directory for Catechesis, effective pedagogical strategies, and theological insight into echoing the Word of God.
The Heart of the Ministry of Catechesis
by Michael P. Horan, Ph.D.
The National Directory for Catechesis (NDC) calls our attention to two important themes in catechesis: (1) the reconstituted relationship between evangelization and catechesis, and (2) adult faith as the goal and…[read more]
A Rekindled Evangelization
by Kate Ristow
When we are baptized, we receive the same mission Jesus handed on to his disciples. Through word and witness, we are called to share with others the faith that…[read more]
A Renewed Passion for Catechesis
by Kate Ristow
A vital aspect of your responsibility as a parish catechetical leader or school religion coordinator is to be knowledgeable about the content of recent Church documents, particularly those that relate directly to religious education. Your awareness of these documents enables you to reflect on…[read more]
Re-Reading the Catechetical Signs of the Times
by Michael P. Horan, Ph.D.
Since the Second Vatican Council, Catholics have been clear that faithful people should and must “read the signs of the times.” We need to be attentive to our life situation, for it is the context out of which we come to understand who God is and…[read more]