We Believe, Part One
As you begin your mission, be sure you have your Travel Journal. Let your Disciple Power guide you on your virtual pilgrimage. Here is your first Mission Assignment…
Phase 1: Prepare for the Pilgrimage
Recall what you learned about each of the Disciple Power habits in Unit 1 of Be My Disciples. Using your Travel Journal, write your own description for each of the four Disciple Power habits. Let your descriptions be your “signs” to point you toward your destination.
- Knowledge (Chapter 1)
- Reverence (Chapter 2)
- Wonder and awe (Chapter 3)
- Joy (Chapter 4)
Phase 2: Select a Destination
1. Choose one of the following destinations based upon what you learned from The Church Follows Jesus pages. Then explore more about that destination by clicking its links. Record in your Travel Journal three new unique facts you learned about that destination. Be sure that these facts reflect your “terrain” as you approach your destination. Use the suggested links to help you survey your terrain.
- Vatican City (Chapter 1)
1. Learn more about this unique sovereign city-state in which the Holy See of the Catholic Church resides by visiting its official Web site.
2. Check out the official Web site of the Holy See of the Catholic Church.
3. Take an amazing virtual tour of the Sistine Chapel to see some of the beautiful art and architecture that belongs to the Vatican found within Vatican City. - Your Local Parish (Chapter 2)
1. Interview one of the parish staff who can tell you about the history and foundation of your parish community.
2. Collect or take pictures of where your parish uses Scripture and learn about that sacred environment. For example using a photograph of your parish’s ambo, learn about its materials, function and design.
[Alternative] British Library (Chapter 2)
1. Review either illuminated manuscripts: Lindisfarne Gospels or the Lisbon Bible from the British Library. Note: You will need to have Adobe Shockwave installed to view the actual pages of these historic manuscripts.
2. Reflect on the time and energy each page would have taken to write and decorate, and how reverence for God’s Word was literally placed on the page. - Thagaste (Chapter 3)
1. Review this Wikimapia of the present-day city of Souk Ahras, Algeria, the city built upon the ruins of Thagaste, the birthplace of Saint Augustine of Hippo.
2. Learn about the Roman Province of Africa during the time of Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430). - Your Home (Chapter 4)
1. Interview your mother or father to ask them about why they chose this particular house and particular city/town to live in.
2. With the help of your family, arrange for and decorate a space in your home dedicated to reflect the faith of your family. As a family bless your home and this space in your house with a special prayer.
2. Now re-read the corresponding The Church Follows Jesus pages to surface information about your destination. Using your Travel Journal, answer the questions that correspond to the destination you selected.
- Vatican City (Chapter 1)
Using knowledge, what is the difference between Vatican City and “the Vatican”? Why is this distinction important? - Your Local Parish (Chapter 2)
Using reverence, how does your parish provide a place of honor for God’s Word? How does this sacred space show reverence for God’s Word?
[Alternative] British Library (Chapter 2)
Considering reverence for God’s Word in an illuminated manuscript, how might you do something similar today? - Thagaste (Chapter 3)
Using wonder and awe, how might people who live in Algeria or Tunisia today still experience the mystery of God? - Your Home (Chapter 4)
Using joy, how might dedicating a special place in your home remind you and your family of the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
Phase 3: Arrive at Your Destination
Now go to the corresponding I Follow Jesus page for your destination. And then respond to the activity on that page in your Travel Journal. Notice the difference in responses from when you completed the activity in your textbook versus the response in your Travel Journal. Discuss with a partner that difference using one or all of the following questions:
- Why would you want to visit your destination in person?
- What was your favorite part of this mission? Explain why.
- How has your faith grown because of this pilgrimage?