A Prayer for Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus
In his time as Pope Emeritus, we pray in a special way for him:
All praise and glory are yours,
almighty and eternal God.
You created this earth and all it contains
and placed creation within our care
so that by the work of human hands
we might share in your creative power
and build up human society.
Look with kindness and blessing
upon Benedict, our Holy Father,
who has led our Church
and who is now retiring.
Allow him the time
to survey all that he has accomplished
and give him the satisfaction and fulfillment
for all his labors,
as you did on the seventh day,
when you rested and saw that all you had made was good.
Give him peace and help him
in this period of adjustment.
Reassure him of your love
and open new ways for him
to share his gifts for the benefit of others.
Watch over our Church in the coming days
as we seek the guidance of your Spirit.
We praise you, God of love,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Adapted from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers)