Connecting with the Liturgical Year (December)
Scripture proclaims, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). This passage has special meaning for Catholics because we prepare, remember, celebrate, and live this time each year through the lens of the liturgical year.
The Church’s annual cycle celebrates the Paschal Mystery and God’s loving plan of Salvation in Jesus Christ. Teaching students about the seasons and celebrations of the liturgical year is an important responsibility for all catechists. We can do this in a variety of ways.
Celebrating throughout the Year
- Set aside one lesson each year to provide an overview of the liturgical year. You may want to display a poster that illustrates the Church’s year. Point out that the four major seasons of the year are Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. Explain that we also celebrate two periods called Ordinary Time; the first after the Christmas Season, and the second after the Easter Season. Point out that the liturgical year begins on the First Sunday of Advent. Also explain that there are other special celebrations during the year that focus on important events in the life of Christ and the Church. Work with the class to clarify what and how the Church celebrates during the different seasons.
- Visit the church with your class to point out signs and symbols of the Church’s year, especially in the sanctuary and nave. For example, note the location of the Paschal Candle and explain that a new candle is lighted each year during the Easter Vigil Mass. Take the children into the sacristy and show them the vestments worn by the priest. Work with them to match the colors of the vestments to the different liturgical seasons and celebrations. As the year unfolds, remind the students of the signs and symbols explored during this church visit.
- Throughout the year, decorate your classroom with colors and symbols that represent each season, especially the prayer center. During Advent, center your prayer around an Advent wreath. During Lent, make the crucifix the focus of prayer. And during the Easter Season, pray with signs of new life, such as blessed water, butterflies, eggs, flowers, and so forth.
- Incorporate the Lectionary into your lessons throughout the Church’s year. Set aside time to proclaim the Sunday or daily Gospel and to discuss it with the class. Help the students make the connection between the Word of God, the Church season, and their lives.
Preparing for and celebrating the liturgical year is a joyful way of helping students experience the ongoing and universal life of the Church. Focus on how we experience God’s love and presence throughout the year. As a catechist, capitalize on these opportunities to walk with the Lord!