Question 1 of 20

Take the Quiz

1. A ____________ of faith is something we could not know unless God revealed it to us.

2. Jesus told his disciples, "Go, therefore, and make ____________ of all nations."

3. Baptize them in the name of the ____________, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

4. Every time the Church baptizes a person, she names the ____________ of who God is.

5. The mystery of God in three Divine Persons is the mystery of the ____________.

6. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the central ____________ of the Christian faith.

7. We could never know the truth about God the Holy Trinity unless ____________ revealed it.

8. The first people to whom God revealed himself were ____________.

9. The descendants of ____________, the Israelites, share their faith in the one, true God.

10. God ____________ the Virgin Mary to be the mother of Jesus.

11. Mary became the mother of Jesus through the ____________.

12. The ____________ is the announcement to the Virgin Mary that God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus.

13. Jesus is ____________.

14. Mary's ____________ means that she was free from all sin from the first moment of her conception.

15. The Church named the central mystery of faith to be ____________.

16. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is the mystery of God in ____________ divine Persons.

17. The Holy Trinity is God ____________, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

18. The two early Councils of the Church that taught about the mystery of the Holy Trinity were the Council of Nicaea and the Council of ____________.

19. The ____________ comes from the Council of Nicaea and the Council of Constantinople.

20. We profess the Nicene Creed ____________.

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