1. Jesus taught that there is one ____________.
2. The Great Commandment has ____________ parts.
3. The first part of the Great Commandment is that we are to ____________.
4. The second part of the Great Commandment is that we are to ____________.
5. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus teaches us who our ____________.
6. Our neighbor is ____________.
7. The ____________ help us love our neighbor.
8. The ____________ Commandment is "Honor your father and your mother."
9. The Fourth Commandment teaches that we are to love, honor, and respect the members of our families, especially our ____________.
10. The ____________ is the first and most important group in society.
11. The Fifth Commandment teaches, "You shall not ____________."
12. The life of every person is ____________, regardless of age, race, gender, health, physical or mental ability.
13. The Fifth Commandment requires that we are to respect and treat ____________ as sacred.
14. The Fifth Commandment also requires that we are to respect and honor the ____________ of ourselves and others.
15. The gift God has given each person of being either a boy or a girl who will grow into a man or a woman is the gift of our ____________.
16. The Sixth and Ninth Commandments teach that we are to respect our own sexuality and the ____________ of others.
17. ____________ is the virtue of respecting and honoring or our sexuality, and it guides us to share our love with others in appropriate ways.
18. The Sixth and Ninth Commandments teach that the love and life of ____________ are sacred, or holy.
19. The Ninth Commandment teaches that ____________ are to help married people grow in love.
20. The virtue of ____________ gives balance to the way we act and speak in a good way and enables a person to express their feelings appropriately.