Question 1 of 20

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1. God always keeps ____________ .

2. God has made solemn agreements, or ____________ with certain persons and people.

3. The covenants God made were mostly verbal, or spoken and ____________ written legal agreements.

4. After an agreement was made it was ____________, or made final.

5. God's agreements were sealed with symbolic rituals, ____________, a special blessing, or even a ritual meal.

6. ____________ is the new and everlasting Covenant.

7. In Jesus, God promises ____________ for everyone.

8. ____________ we are made sharers in God's promise of Salvation.

9. At our Baptism, we enter into ____________.

10. God entered into the ____________ Covenant with all people when he promised Noah that he would never again destroy the Earth by flood.

11. ____________ was the son of Isaac, who would have twelve sons.

12. The children of Jacob's twelve sons would become the ____________.

13. God made a promise to ____________ that he would have as many descendants as stars in the sky.

14. At Mass, we proclaim that ____________ is our father in faith.

15. God sent Moses to bring the Israelites, or Hebrews, out of slavery in ____________.

16. At ____________, God called Moses up a mountain.

17. God gave Moses the ____________, or the Ten Commandments.

18. The Ten Commandments, written ____________, gave the people concrete ways to live in harmony with God, others, and themselves.

19. For the Israelites, living by the Commandments would be a sign of their ____________ to God and to the Covenant.

20. In the fullness of time, God the Father sent his Son, Jesus Christ, the ____________ and the Savior of the world, who is the new and everlasting Covenant.

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