Question 1 of 20

Take the Quiz

1. In his letter to the people of Corinth, St. Paul told them that God is __________ .

2. St. Paul told the Corinthians that God would __________.

3. When we practice the virtue of __________, we are able to keep doing our work, no matter how difficult it may be.

4. The __________ are Jesus' teachings about how to live and find real happiness with God.

5. People who live the Beatitudes are __________.

6. Jesus preached the Beatitudes to show us __________.

7. The Beatitudes help us understand what it truly means to live __________.

8. The poor in spirit __________.

9. __________ are sad over the suffering and injustice they see, but are strong because they know that God is with them.

10. The __________ are kind to others.

11. __________ try to solve problems without hurting anyone.

12. To be clean of heart means to __________.

13. The __________ are patient and considerate, and they treat others with respect.

14. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness make sure __________.

15. __________ means to be connected to all people in society, and to work for what is good and best for everyone.

16. Those who mourn... __________.

17. Those who hunger ... __________.

18. Those who do what is right ... __________.

19. Those who are humble... __________.

20. Those who are merciful... __________.

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