Question 1 of 15

Take the Quiz

1. To ________ someone means to show that person respect and value.

2. God is the Father and the _________.

3. God made ________________ out of love.

4. God alone is ___________.

5. We read about God the Creator in the _______.

6. To say that God is almighty means that only ______ has the power to do everything good.

7. Jesus taught us that God his Father is our _________.

8. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, " _________."

9. The _________ is the prayer of all Christians.

10. The Our Father is called _____________.

11. Jesus taught us to ________ the Our Father.

12. We can give ________ to God by caring for creation.

13. God made everything out of _________.

14. We ________ and love God the Father with all our hearts.

15. God made everything and everyone out of love and ___________.

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