Question 1 of 15

Take the Quiz

1. The word mass means "_______."

2. ______ is the greatest of all the virtues.

3. ___________ share the message of the Gospel with others.

4. The ____________ end the celebration of the Mass.

5. We end Mass the same way we began by making ___________.

6. A _____________ is people prayerfully walking together.

7. At _____________ Jesus told us how to glorify God.

8. To glorify God by our lives, we ________________.

9. Processions are ______________.

10. There are _________ processions at Mass.

11. The __________include the Concluding Procession, the Dismissal, and the Final Blessing

12. Another word for "sending forth" is ___________.

13. At the end of Mass, we receive ___________ to live as Jesus' disciples.

14. The dismissal from Mass sends us forth to _________.

15. The correct order of the Concluding Rites is _____________.

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