Question 1 of 15

Take the Quiz

1. There is great _______ in heaven when someone asks for forgiveness.

2. Asking for ________ when we do something wrong is a sign of love for God.

3. Saint John Vianney was a special sign of ______________.

4. ______ is freely choosing to do or say something we know God does not want us to say or do.

5. When we sin, we need to ________.

6. God forgives us _____________.

7. In the story of the Forgiving Father, the father was ______ his son had come home.

8. In the story of the Forgiving Father, the son was _______.

9. ____________ means being made friends again.

10. In the Sacrament of ______, we share in God's mercy and forgiving love.

11. ___________ is when we meet with the priest by ourselves and tell him our sins.

12. We pray _____________ to tell God we are truly sorry for our sins.

13. Doing a __________ helps us repair, or heal, the harm we have caused by our sins.

14. ____________ is receiving God's forgiveness for our sins.

15. In a prayer of _____________ we can ask God forgiveness.

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